Sunday 11 May 2014


Surveying your daily routine
How many hours do you have remaining for studying ? If this number seems too low, you're overbooked! You need to drop some things. Also beware of typical time-sinks and time thieves:

Things that steal your time :
  • Instant messenger 
  • Telephone call
  • Television and video clips
  • Social networking (facebook,twitter,blogger,wechat)
  • Unexpected visitors
  • Stress
  • Being disorganized
  • Taking on more than you can handle

Other Time Management Tips
  • Be sure your room is cleaned organized. You don't want to waste time looking for things you've misplaced !
  • Buy a large calender for your room or a personal organizer that you can carry around with you at all times. Write all important due dates, exams and other events that you need to prepare for.
  • Start managing your time at the beginning of the semester.
  • Set measurable goals for yourself (eg: grades you would like to receive). Determine how much time it will take to accomplish these goals.
  • Divide tasks into smaller, more manageable jobs (ex: first week - outline of paper done, second week -  research the topic, third week -  finish a rough draft, four week -  complete the final draft)
  • Make a weekly schedule for classes, lecturers, labs, seminars, regular meetings, study time, etc.
  • Create "To do" lists and/or check lists when you have a lot to do in a day. In addition to the easy tasks, prioritize the important tasks and make sure you have progress with them.
  • Ask a buddy to keep you in check with your time management. 

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